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Interviews, media coverage, announcements and memories (1996-2025) in reverse chronological order

Book launch: “Faking It” by Toby Walsh
"Faking It: Artificial Intelligence in a Human World" by Toby Walsh is being launched by science journalist Wilson da Silva in Sydney.

COSMOS celebrates 100 issues of its print magazine
A news story in MediaWeek about COSMOS magazine's 100th issue.

UNSW launches Artificial Intelligence Institute
A story in UNSW Newsroom about the launch of a new flagship institute of over 300 UNSW researchers working across AI.

Artificial Intelligence in Leadership
A University of Sydney Business School panel on the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on future leaders.

Nine Journos Turn Up to Work in Union T-Shirts as They Fight for More Pay
News article in the B&T about Nine Publishing journalists taking industrial action for pay, conditions and freelancers.

Panel: Conflicts of Interest in Science and Science Journalism
Science Journalists Association panel with Barbara Mintzes, Bianca Nogrady, Nicky Phillips, Wilson da Silva and Hristio Boytchev.

Speaker Series: Machines Behaving Badly
AI expert Toby Walsh in conversation with science journalist Wilson da Silva about the ethical issues of machine intelligence.

The Best Australian Science Writing 2021
A media release from NewSouth Books about The Best Australian Science Writing 2021, edited by Dyani Lewis.

Aussie Medical Researchers Turn to Venoms to Save Lives
Interview with Michael McLaren on Radio 2GB's Overnight program about how scientists are cracking the code of venoms to help save lives.

Killer Cures – Cracking Our Amazing Venom Puzzles
An Australian Geographic media release promoting a feature by Wilson da Silva on venom research.

Lessons From Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Horses and Microbes
A book review column that includes The Best Australian Science Writing 2020 as a recommendation.

Industry Futures: Latest issue of Australian University Science
Refraction Media Press Release about the November 2020 issue of Australian University Science magazine.

Meet ... Wilson da Silva
An interview with Wilson da Silva in the newsletter of the Science Journalists Association of Australia.

The Best Australian Science Writing 2020
Announcement of the 2020 edition of The Best Australian Science Writing, edited by Sara Phillips.

The Aussie Mission to Mine the Moon
An Australian Geographic media release promoting a 10-page story on how Australia will help NASA mine the Moon.

5 Minutes with Wilson da Silva
An interview in INFLUENCING Media News with Wilson da Silva about his work as a feature writer.

Fertile Ground for Journalism Awards
A Flinders University news story on the 2020 Higher Education Journalist of the Year being won by Wilson da Silva.

Wilson da Silva Named 2020 Higher Education Journalist of the Year
Media release by the National Press Club of Australia announcing the 2020 Higher Education Media Awards.

Touring the Five Great Australian Observatories
An article in Astronomy Magazine in which Canadian science writer Dan Falk describes an 11-day trip visiting five great astronomical sites.

The Good Earth – and Your Good Self
A media release from Australian Geographic promoting a 10-page feature on how wilderness boosts the microbiome, written by Wilson da Silva.

An Infinite Universe: How Big Is Space?
A community announcement in The Hawkesbury about at science and art panel at the Western Sydney University Observatory.

Infinite Universe: Science and Art Panel
Story in the Blue Mountains Gazette about "An Infinite Universe: What Is It, and Can We Ever Understand It?" panel.

Die NASA Schickt Namen Zum Mars – Aber Warum?
A news article (in German) in Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung about strange things sent into space, which discusses HELLO FROM EARTH.

Three Cheers for Vanadís, Goddess of Beauty and Fertility
A blog by poet and historian Erica Jolly commenting on an article in Cosmos about vanadium batteries.
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